Stables at West Crudwell Farm

Stables at West Crudwell Farm


SN16 9EF

● 12 Stables

● Outdoor school of around 25m x 50m

● 5 bay horse walker

● Wash box

● Tack room

● Store

● Around 4.8 acres of grazing

A pretty and well equipped yard of 12 boxes, in an extremely sought after location only 4½ miles from Tetbury

West Crudwell Stables in an extremely attractive Cotswold stone courtyard comprising 12 boxes, wash box, tack room and stores.

The yard has ranges of boxes on 3 sides, each of Cotswold Stone under a tiled roof.

Behind the main ranges of boxes is a lean-to barn large enough to house a small tractor, feed and bedding with a muck trailer alongside it.

Location: The Village of Crudwell is very popular with hotels, primary school and pubs including the well regarded Potting Shed pub. The property is a short distance from Tetbury and only 5 miles from Malmesbury, which has various supermarkets including Waitrose and Aldi.

From the A429 at Crudwell, turn left on to Tetbury Road. The front drive to West Crudwell Farm is on the right after around 700 metres.

Lease Terms:

Type of Lease: A Commercial lease under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, with the exclusion of the security of tenure provisions.

Term: 3 Years

Deposit: 2 Months' rent

Notice Provisions: Either party may give six months' notice at any time after the first anniversary of the lease.

Maintenance: The Landlord shall be responsible for the roofs, hard standing and other surfaces. The Tenant shall be responsible for woodwork and paintwork.

The Tenant shall harrow and roll the arena surfaces, the Landlord shall be responsible for the arena surfaces.

Paddock Maintenance: The Tenant shall be responsible for maintaining the paddocks and fencing, if the paddocks become poached then the cost of fertilizing or reseeding shall be met by the Tenant.

The Tenant shall poo pick the paddocks.

Muck Removal: The Tenant shall be responsible for muck removal. There is a trailer available for the Tenant's use.

Insurance: The Landlord shall insure the buildings and reclaim the cost of the premium from the Tenant via an insurance rent. The Tenant shall have their own public liability to a minimum of £10,000,000.

Utilities: The Landlord shall be responsible for the water with the Tenant being responsible for the electricity supply.

Stocking Density Limit: The Tenant shall not be permitted to have any more than 12 horses on site at any one time

WSH Estates Ltd. give notice that: These particulars are set out as a general outline only, for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract; all descriptions, images, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permission for use in occupation and other details are given without responsibility, and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them.

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